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  • It is not a simple work to choose a suitable wheelchair, and you should also not make the decision lightly. As we all know, the wheelchairs on the market can be divided into 2 types: manual wheelchairs and electric wheelchairs. So many people don’t know which one is suitable for them. As a professio
  • Electric wheelchairs are a valuable tool for individuals with mobility impairments, providing them with greater independence, freedom, and quality of life. And when it comes to electric wheelchairs, one of the most significant advances in recent years has been the one-piece molding design frame. In
  • Carbon fiber is a material that has revolutionized the world of manufacturing, especially in the automotive and aerospace industries. However, it has also found its way into the healthcare industry, specifically in the production of mobility aids, for example, the wheelchair. Carbon fiber wheelchair
  • We can see thousands of electric wheelchairs on the market. Some clients who don’t know much about the electric wheelchairs always have a question: for 2 same electric wheelchairs , why the price are so different. As a professional electric wheelchair manufacturer, we will show you the answer. And
  • More and more elderly want to have a lightweight electric wheelchair, so that they can use it independently. But we all know that the lightweight wheelchair has potential safety hazard, especially when the material is not strong enough . In order to meet the requirements of our clients, JBH ha
  • With the development of wheelchair industry, there are more and more lightweight portable electric wheelchairs on the market, and people are more likely to buy this kind of electric wheelchair. But for most electric wheelchair, not the lighter, the better. As a professional electric wheelchair manuf

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 Mingguang Factory:
No .116 Qicang Road, Mingguang, Anhui, 239400, China
 Nanjing Office:
NO. 12 Wuge Road, Jiangning, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 211113 China
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